A little boy changed my perspective today.
We were at church, waiting for the offering plates to be passed around. I looked over my shoulder to see if it was on its way when this little boy, probably three or four years old, caught my attention. I was struck by his excitement at the opportunity to drop his little handful of coins into the plate as it passed.
He was so excited that he ran to the end of the row and knelt on the pew, his head resting in one hand and his fingers tapping restlessly with the other. As the plate got closer, he could contain himself no longer. He ran to the usher and excitedly dropped his little coins in the plate.
Now, I know that he probably just felt like a big boy for putting the money in the offering and was not really fully aware of what he was doing, but it certainly had an impact on me. When was the last time I really eagerly ran towards God like the little guy ran toward that plate?
The offering song was also beautifully poignant to the moment, as the words referenced God calling to us with his arms open wide, beckoning us to run to him. I suddenly wished I was that little boy, eagerly awaiting a chance to worship God with that much excitement.
This year has been very difficult. But seeing that little guy with all that joy on his face really changed my perspective today. I'm not sure that I have been truly joyful in a while.
So that is my challenge to myself and anyone else reading this: be joyful. Rejoice.