Saturday, September 28, 2013

Split Decision

First of all, I have great news to report! We are bringing a group of students to the states (New York and North Carolina!) in late January and early February. Be in prayer for all of the logistical hurdles that we now have to jump to complete the process!  

And now, for the moment you've been waiting for all week: our latest blog!

I've been having a mild case of clumsiness lately. An occasional stumble here, a walk into a door there, no big deal.

This week, clumsiness met circumstance in a very inopportune way.

Everyday when we enter the school building, we have to use our ID cards to scan in and proceed through a turnstile. As I did that this Wednesday, the card slipped out of my hand and hit the floor. Thinking nothing of it, I quickly bent over to retrieve it. I heard a sound that no one who speaks in front of people for a living wants to hear: the subtle ripping of trousers. I popped up quickly and notified my lovely wife of the incident. She inspected and assured me it was not noticeable.

I taught my first class with no problems. Then, I went to sit in a chair in my second class as we watched a video clip. This time the sound was not so subtle. Thankfully, the video was playing so no one but me heard it: the tearing. I quickly exited the room after class to assess the damage. To my horror, the pants had split from the belt loop down. Noticeable? Very much so. I ran to my office to get my coat. I put it on, but it wasn't long enough to cover the tear. I decided to try my bookbag. I released the straps so that the bag hung low enough to cover the area. I looked ridiculous, like some teenaged boy getting his "sag on."

Ultimately, I decided to tie my coat around my waist to teach my last class. I looked like someone from a skate park in the 90s that listened to Pearl Jam and Nirvana. I hated how it looked so much that I told my class what happened. It was better to have split pants than to have them think I purposely dressed like that. They laughed, I laughed, and then I went home with my coat around my waist. At home, the pants were laid to rest. They were beyond saving.

Tune in next week for some very exciting news about some new ministries we are joining.

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