Monday, September 2, 2013

The Wonder of Worship

Hello There!

I took the summer off from writing to enjoy some time with friends and family. Many exciting things happened over the summer that I will be sharing with you all starting now!


As you probably know, Europe is very different from the United States. There is really not a single aspect of life that is not at least a little bit different. One of the main differences that we found here in Prague was church; both in the amount of churches and in the type of services available.

So it comes as no surprise that one of the things we were looking forward to most about returning home was a chance to visit our home church again (#SummitRDU). We did not realize how much we missed it until the music started. Before I get into that, let me back up a bit and lay out the whole scene for you.

We got home on Saturday afternoon and had a chance to see our family and catch up. After Heaven on Earth in the form of a Spicy Chicken Sandwich from Chick Fil-A, we went to bed early to win the fight versus jet lag.

The next morning jet lag hit us hard, so we had to go to the later service (of two on Sunday morning at The Summit Church). When we got there, we were late, so we were escorted to the front row as the music began. Our church is quite large, so being on the front row is something akin to being at a rock concert, minus the beer and pot smoking. The music began and we began to sing, but before I could get out the first line of the song, a strange feeling came over me. All of these emotions flooded me at once. I began to weep as we sang. I felt so awkward, because I have never burst into tears in a church service before. I glanced at Tonya and she too was in tears. I put my arm around her and we just let the wonder of worship fill our hearts. It was like God was saying, "Welcome Home."

We traveled a lot this summer so we did not get to be at every single service, but when we were there, we wept. We wept for joy at the voices lifted in praise to The Savior who loves us so much.

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